Monday, April 4, 2011

LOVE Wedding Cookies

Finally the date arrive, I was almost feeling I was the bride to be....140 some Love cookies for Jennifer and Scott Wedding on its way to Philadelphia, the brotherly love city.

I had so much fun making these cookies, I like to do custom orders in which ones I have to learn something different and put my skills to the test, and this one was one.

First I ordered the cookie cutter that supposedly was the LOVE statue from Philadelphia, I tough that was going to be a lot of help, so I receive it, make the cookies and they turn out nice, but not like the statue at all, so I was not happy at all.

So I googled images of the statue, I liked it a lot is very simple and modern and  is just a simple word but with a lot of meaning, don't you think???

It was designed by Robert Indiana, the image first was originally designed as a Christmas card in 1964, the statue is made of Steel and has been on exhibit since 1970 in the Indianapolis Museum Art.The statue has been reproduced several times in a variety of forms and now is display around the world.

So after days on thinking how I will make it,  I decided to make the stencil, my husband is very good at it,  so he made it for me, he did several tries and finally we like one, so I made some cookies and it turn out good, I didn't have a square cookie cutter, so it was not perfect in the circle but it looked nice.

Jennifer's wedding colors are gray and yellow, so I did some samples for her

She liked them!!! I was so excited so I reserved the space for her cookies and I could not wait for the time to come to start bake them for her.

The time goes so fast that the date arrive very soon, so I start with the baking process, decorate them and the final product came out very nice, here are some pictures for you.

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